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laliluhur Dam localed in Punvakarla Regency is a reservoir Ihal was built 10 serve Ihe waler needs of West lava and lakarta are alw generating eleclricity (hydropower). Along with Ihe growing needf and rising. latil"h"r drain the water through tilree artificial channels, namely the West Tarom Canal, East Tarom Canal and the North Tarom Canal. From the three channels used to drain the water, West Tarom Canal was the most diverse lise of water. West Tanon Canal channel is also pari of Ihe Citarum River. Allallager l atiluhur is l asa Tirla II Public Corporalion (P JT II). While the West Tanlm Canal which is pari of Ihe Cilarum river management under Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai (BBWS) Citarum. To meel \'arious needs, the waleI' thai flowed from the Callallaliluhur West Tarom arranged ill u waleI' allocation mechanism. In practice Ihe pawer of this mechanism OCClirs in water resources. The practice of allocation of Ihe West Tarum Canal la/iluhur is a form of p opulation control. About the allocation of water is planned to flow, showmg how power relatIOns work among Ihe actors / agencies / institutions that have an int rest in the water from the re.<ervoir through the Canal Tarum la/iluhur the Wesi. Inlerest 0/7 Ihe vater in Ihe West Tarlllll Callal become the object of siale power and mul malianal lnstitutlOns. Siale t rOllgh Its ins/itl/Ilons and foreign interests Ihrough ICWRMIP program (Inlegraled Citarum WaleI' Resources Management Improvement Plan) practice of power. GovernmenlalilY Iheory hatched by Michael ·oucault became Ihe basis (if the Iheory 10 know "How In practice QR"rating power and resistance to it take place ill the alloqation of water from Ihe West TarulII CanalJalilllhur?". Secondary and prilllaryv!ata from s urvey results in the genealogy anal siS m three stages: I) studymg the legal bo;" for \I'ater management Institutions .Iatiluhur especially in We,f1 Tontm ('01101,]) Hessing the power of the sirategy that was practiceCi in the allocation of \l'ater, 3) . Isses · Ilg the I'e~istallce tltqt lOok plocl!c in practice of power. The results >/IJhil' .I'tlld indicate Ihal the practice of power over the!f'."ocatlon (lfll'aler in Ihe West Tarum c1nul lake ' place in two phase8, nwllel liberal and neollberal go ernmentality. In Ihe )irsl phase of the dominant pOll'er In the hands ofcounmes and cl nors III t~e second phase takes over }jeans enIplwed in practicing the Rower o.f the two ph\lse.f are eqllol (with sovereign power, di ci linary pOlver and biopower. Ratiollalif2' 1.\ Sill/ the !nnst ejIeclive strategy of domination. t his sholl" Ihqt the pO\l'er reSOUrce managemenl pracliced rational \l'ay would make the sllbj ect the weI' 10 be obedient and resil'tance can be nll/tec/.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | 300 Social Sciences 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 620 Engineering > 624 Civil engineering > Hydraulic Engineering |
Divisions: | Graduate Program in Environment and Urban Studies |
Depositing User: | Mrs Christiana Sundari |
Date Deposited: | 05 Dec 2018 08:09 |
Last Modified: | 05 Dec 2018 08:09 |
URI: | |
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